Bootstrap 和 Vite
有关如何使用 Vite 在项目中包含并打包 Bootstrap 的 CSS 和 JavaScript 的官方指南。

什么是 Vite?
¥What is Vite?
Vite 是一款专为速度和简便性而设计的现代前端构建工具。它提供高效、简化的开发体验,尤其是对于现代 JavaScript 框架。
¥Vite is a modern frontend build tool designed for speed and simplicity. It provides an efficient and streamlined development experience, especially for modern JavaScript frameworks.
我们正在从头开始使用 Bootstrap 构建一个 Vite 项目,因此在我们真正开始之前,有一些先决条件和前期步骤。本指南要求你安装 Node.js 并熟悉终端。
¥We’re building a Vite project with Bootstrap from scratch, so there are some prerequisites and upfront steps before we can really get started. This guide requires you to have Node.js installed and some familiarity with the terminal.
创建项目文件夹并设置 npm。我们将创建
参数初始化 npm,以避免它询问我们所有交互式问题。¥Create a project folder and set up npm. We’ll create the
folder and initialize npm with the-y
argument to avoid it asking us all the interactive questions.mkdir my-project && cd my-project npm init -y
安装 Vite。与我们的 Webpack 指南不同,这里只有一个构建工具依赖。我们使用
来表示此依赖仅供开发使用,不适用于生产。¥Install Vite. Unlike our Webpack guide, there’s only a single build tool dependency here. We use
to signal that this dependency is only for development use and not for production.npm i --save-dev vite
安装 Bootstrap。现在我们可以安装 Bootstrap 了。我们还将安装 Popper,因为我们的下拉菜单、弹出窗口和工具提示的定位依赖于它。如果你不打算使用这些组件,则可以在此处省略 Popper。
¥Install Bootstrap. Now we can install Bootstrap. We’ll also install Popper since our dropdowns, popovers, and tooltips depend on it for their positioning. If you don’t plan on using those components, you can omit Popper here.
npm i --save bootstrap @popperjs/core
安装额外的依赖。除了 Vite 和 Bootstrap 之外,我们还需要另一个依赖(Sass)来正确导入和打包 Bootstrap 的 CSS。
¥Install additional dependency. In addition to Vite and Bootstrap, we need another dependency (Sass) to properly import and bundle Bootstrap’s CSS.
npm i --save-dev sass
现在我们已经安装并设置了所有必要的依赖,我们可以开始创建项目文件并导入 Bootstrap。
¥Now that we have all the necessary dependencies installed and set up, we can get to work creating the project files and importing Bootstrap.
¥Project structure
我们已经创建了 my-project
文件夹并初始化了 npm。现在我们还将创建 src
文件夹、样式表和 JavaScript 文件来完善项目结构。从 my-project
¥We’ve already created the my-project
folder and initialized npm. Now we’ll also create our src
folder, stylesheet, and JavaScript file to round out the project structure. Run the following from my-project
, or manually create the folder and file structure shown below.
mkdir {src,src/js,src/scss}
touch src/index.html src/js/main.js src/scss/styles.scss vite.config.js
¥When you’re done, your complete project should look like this:
├── src/
│ ├── js/
│ │ └── main.js
│ └── scss/
│ | └── styles.scss
| └── index.html
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── vite.config.js
至此,一切都已就绪,但 Vite 无法工作,因为我们还没有填写 vite.config.js
¥At this point, everything is in the right place, but Vite won’t work because we haven’t filled in our vite.config.js
配置 Vite
¥Configure Vite
安装依赖并准备好项目文件夹以开始编码后,我们现在可以配置 Vite 并在本地运行我们的项目。
¥With dependencies installed and our project folder ready for us to start coding, we can now configure Vite and run our project locally.
。由于它是空白的,我们需要向其中添加一些样板配置,以便我们可以启动我们的服务器。这部分配置告诉 Vite 在哪里查找我们项目的 JavaScript 以及开发服务器应该如何运行(通过热重载从src
in your editor. Since it’s blank, we’ll need to add some boilerplate config to it so we can start our server. This part of the config tells Vite where to look for our project’s JavaScript and how the development server should behave (pulling from thesrc
folder with hot reload).import { resolve } from 'path' export default { root: resolve(__dirname, 'src'), build: { outDir: '../dist' }, server: { port: 8080 } }
。这是 Vite 将在浏览器中加载的 HTML 页面,以利用我们将在后续步骤中添加的打包 CSS 和 JS。¥Next we fill in
. This is the HTML page Vite will load in the browser to utilize the bundled CSS and JS we’ll add to it in later steps.<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <title>Bootstrap w/ Vite</title> <script type="module" src="./js/main.js"></script> </head> <body> <div class="container py-4 px-3 mx-auto"> <h1>Hello, Bootstrap and Vite!</h1> <button class="btn btn-primary">Primary button</button> </div> </body> </html>
div class="container"
中添加了一些 Bootstrap 样式,以便我们可以看到 Vite 何时加载 Bootstrap 的 CSS。¥We’re including a little bit of Bootstrap styling here with the
div class="container"
so that we see when Bootstrap’s CSS is loaded by Vite. -
现在我们需要一个 npm 脚本来运行 Vite。打开
脚本(你应该已经有了测试脚本)。我们将使用此脚本来启动本地 Vite 开发服务器。¥Now we need an npm script to run Vite. Open
and add thestart
script shown below (you should already have the test script). We’ll use this script to start our local Vite dev server.{ // ... "scripts": { "start": "vite", "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, // ... }
最后,我们就可以启动 Vite 了。从终端的
文件夹中,运行新添加的 npm 脚本:¥And finally, we can start Vite. From the
folder in your terminal, run that newly added npm script:npm start
在本指南的下一部分也是最后一部分中,我们将导入所有 Bootstrap 的 CSS 和 JavaScript。
¥In the next and final section to this guide, we’ll import all of Bootstrap’s CSS and JavaScript.
导入 Bootstrap
¥Import Bootstrap
导入 Bootstrap 的 CSS。将以下内容添加到
以导入所有 Bootstrap 的源 Sass。¥Import Bootstrap’s CSS. Add the following to
to import all of Bootstrap’s source Sass.// Import all of Bootstrap's CSS @import "bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
如果需要,你还可以单独导入我们的样式表。Read our Sass import docs for details.
¥You can also import our stylesheets individually if you want. Read our Sass import docs for details.
接下来我们加载 CSS 并导入 Bootstrap 的 JavaScript。将以下内容添加到
以加载 CSS 并导入所有 Bootstrap 的 JS。Popper 将通过 Bootstrap 自动导入。¥Next we load the CSS and import Bootstrap’s JavaScript. Add the following to
to load the CSS and import all of Bootstrap’s JS. Popper will be imported automatically through Bootstrap.// Import our custom CSS import '../scss/styles.scss' // Import all of Bootstrap's JS import * as bootstrap from 'bootstrap'
你还可以根据需要单独导入 JavaScript 插件,以缩小包大小:
¥You can also import JavaScript plugins individually as needed to keep bundle sizes down:
import Alert from 'bootstrap/js/dist/alert'; // or, specify which plugins you need: import { Tooltip, Toast, Popover } from 'bootstrap';
Read our JavaScript docs for more information on how to use Bootstrap’s plugins.
你就完成了!🎉 当 Bootstrap 的源 Sass 和 JS 完全加载后,你的本地开发服务器现在应该如下所示:
¥And you’re done! 🎉 With Bootstrap’s source Sass and JS fully loaded, your local development server should now look like this:
现在你可以开始添加你想要使用的任何 Bootstrap 组件。请务必了解 查看完整的 Vite 示例项目,了解如何包含其他自定义 Sass 并通过仅导入你需要的 Bootstrap CSS 和 JS 部分来优化你的构建。
¥Now you can start adding any Bootstrap components you want to use. Be sure to check out the complete Vite example project for how to include additional custom Sass and optimize your build by importing only the parts of Bootstrap’s CSS and JS that you need.
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